Thursday, July 15, 2010

5 signs of Alzheimer's |

5 signs of Alzheimer's | "WARNING SIGNS OF ALZHEIMERS: In the daily blog of Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., Dr. Weil notes the five main warning signs of Alzheimer's. The first and most important warning sign is memory loss, such as forgetting important dates and recently learned information. The second most common warning sign is challenges when trying to solve a problem. The third warning sign is when familiar tasks start becoming unfamiliar. In this case, routine tasks such as remembering how to get to get to a certain location or remembering phone numbers becomes difficult. The fourth warning sign is being confused about time and location. The fifth and final most important warning sign for the onset of Alzheimer's is trouble understanding pictures and other visual images. It is at this point that colors seem non-existent and the ability to differentiate between distance and physical objects becomes intricate."

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